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Our innovations come with the research to back them up
What is going on in the health sciences world today and how we are implementing it.

Security Access to System Data and Function

It is no surprise that enterprise-level systems with hundreds of different functions present many complicated challenges. Managing various levels of access to data and functions within the system for different types of users is one of these challenges, and one that people outside the field may not have given much consideration.

There are thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of users that could be using a system . This can lead to potentially hundreds of groups of users, each needing to be able to only access different sets of functions and data. It could…

Feedback and Student Success

The question at the heart of many pedagogical approaches is: what can teachers do to improve student success? More often than not, one component of the answer to this question is feedback.

In his 2012 study, Vincent Tinto identifies the following “attributes of effective classrooms:” expectations, support, assessment and feedback, and involvement. Interactions between students and faculty are also closely linked with student success, and regular feedback is one way to increase…

Grading Discrepancies

Much of modern medical education is highly standardized; medical students at schools across the USA and Canada, regardless of their institution, can expect to be trained in the same core scientific knowledge and clinical experience. They will all be expected to demonstrate skill in three areas: medical knowledge, medical skill, and professionalism and cultural competency. Grading across schools has proven harder to standardize.

Instructors and administrators have recently been asking the question “how many students should receive honors?” Their search for a standard instead uncovers significant variation…

Evaluating Students

As noted in previous blog posts, evaluations are critical to a students growth and success. As an administrator or faculty member, it is incredibly important to know how to write up beneficial evaluations. Evaluations are a good way to give students constructive criticism, but also point out the things they did well.

After a relatively critical event, experience, or course, it is a good time to evaluate a student. For example, this could be after an experience at a specific clinical site. Another good time to evaluate a student would be when their actions are affecting other students or themselves…


Gauging how material is being taught or how well students are doing in a course or session can be difficult. With evaluations, all parties involved are given an opportunity to understand how a semester is going.

Through evaluations such as those completed through eMedley’s product eValuate, individuals are able to discuss what is being modeled. Student Faculty Evaluations, Preceptor Student Evaluations, Faculty Course Evaluations and many others heavily contribute to tracking a student’s mastery and their future success…

Standards and Competencies

States and schools across the United States are starting to incorporate competency-based learning in their curriculum. Competency-based learning has significant benefits in relation to student learning and instructor testing. As competency-based learning is valuable, Preloaded Standards and Competencies are part of eMedley’s testing system ExamN+.

Competency-based learning focuses heavily on personalized learning. As it is able to measure specifically what category students are lacking in or where there needs to be more instruction, competency-based learning creates more of a positive learning environment for students…

There are five components that make up competency-based learning that makes it successful. Students are able…
Excited to learn more?
Find out how you can use eValuate+ to create and administer customizable and comprehensive evaluations with targeted data insights and reporting.