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Performance Assessment
Improve learning experiences and outcomes with comprehensive evaluations.
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Question Sets
Performance Assessment

Question Sets offer a place for administrators to add and store questions that can be used throughout multiple forms. Offering a parent-child structure, there can be questions, sub-questions, sub-sub questions, and so on.

With immediate access to previously used questions, administrators can strategically implement such question sets or even go in and update them for future use. This saves an immense amount of time when creating evaluations and provides a record of evaluation questions.

Types of Evaluations

Customizable to fit your needs, a complete selection of evaluation form types are available for implementation. There are many different types of advanced evaluation forms that may be customized to best fit a specific program, including:

Student Self-Evaluation
Students evaluating their own performance, which can then be compared to preceptor evaluations to develop accurate self-perception.
Student Evaluating Clinical Site
Students evaluating their experience at a clinical site, either for revision of whether to continue partnering with the site or to provide helpful information to future students.
Clinical Site Visit Evaluation
Faculty evaluation of a clinical site, used during visits to the site.
Preceptor Evaluating Student
Preceptor evaluation of a student(s) performance during clinical. Provides helpful feedback to students, and is also often the basis of clinical grades.
Preceptor Evaluating Director/Faculty of Clinical Education
Preceptor evaluation of faculty performance based on their interaction with faculty throughout the process of the school/clinical site partnership.
Student Evaluating Preceptor
Student evaluation of clinical preceptor’s professionalism, teaching, and more.
Performance Assessment

eValuate+ offers the ability to include rubrics in evaluation forms. Rubrics break qualitative measures, which can be subjective, into clearly delineated criteria and associated scores to make grading more efficient, transparent, and consistent. They also give more specific feedback, helping students (or other evaluatees) understand why they received a certain score. This higher quality feedback allows for more growth, as evaluatees know with more certainty their strengths and places for improvement. Learn more about eValuate+’s rubrics here.

eValuate+ also can be customized to include or require comments after every question type on the form, encouraging detailed feedback rather than just a score.

The Forms Listing

A complete and easy to use evaluation management system, the forms listing organizes and tracks upcoming, live, drafted, and archived evaluation forms. The forms listing provides reliable and effective tools for evaluation filtration, access, and editing.

Assign a selected form then and there
Gain quick access to view an evaluation form by using Preview
Effortlessly print a paper copy of the selected form
Receive immediate editing abilities in order to adjust an evaluation form on the spot
Duplicate a selected form for further editing
Save evaluation forms for records and future uses
Easily give or restrict form access to other users
A comprehensive list of past and present versions of a selected form
Apply filters to easily navigate through the forms listing when looking for specific data