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Data Intelligence
Comprehensive, Powerful Data Intelligence
A variety of reports and dashboards provide immediate access to custom sets of data and automatically-generated visualizations to offer insight into the status of your program’s clinical education.
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Clinical Schedule Reports Illustration
Scheduling Reports
Retrieve and view specific sets of schedules based on a wide variety of filters. Choose between predefined reports or run a report where you specify what information you want displayed. View the schedules in a monthly calendar format or as a spreadsheet that can be exported to Excel.
Clinical Activity Reports and Dashboards
Case Log Dashboard
View aggregate data from all case logs to understand how much time students are spending in certain treatment setting types or rotations, what the demographics of their patient populations are, the types of decision making they are doing, how involved they are, and much more. Filter by start date and end date, preceptor, student, or section for narrowed data.
Student Dashboard
View data from case logs by student, gaining an understanding of how student performance is distributed or drilling down to focus on an individual student.
Preceptor Dashboard
Allow preceptors to see all upcoming schedules, recent case logs, and pending case logs in one place. They can export or print this data and can approve, deny, or add notes to pending case logs.
Diagnosis and Procedure Dashboard
Gain a better understanding of the number of case logs, specific diagnoses, and procedures that students are logging in the system. Filter by year, month, and/or day depending on desired specificity.
Case Logs Summary Report
This comprehensive report allows administrators to easily track student progress, performance, and experiences. Report includes details such as dates, student-related information (student, cohort, preceptor, etc.), patient-related information (age, gender, race, time with patient, reason for visit, diagnoses, procedures, competencies, etc.), and more.
Daily Case Logs Report
See information for case logs including the student, site, preceptor, patient demographics, and diagnoses, all displayed in one place, organized by day.
Ad-hoc Reporting
Retrieve a specific set of case logs or time logs using a wide range of filters, with the option to filter by up to 30 different variables.
Performance Assessment Reports

Different types of reports are available to view and analyze the data found in the evaluations. Using our filtering features, finding specific reports takes no time at all.

Response Frequency Reports
View data about the frequencies of responses on a single or multiple forms.
Student Alignment Rubric Details
View student performance on alignments based on their scores on associated rubric criteria.
Evaluation Rubric Details
View rubric criteria details including responses and comments.
Evaluation Form Details
View response details for non-rubric questions, such as text fields and checkboxes.
Evaluation Summary
Review evaluation scores for evaluation forms.
The eMedley suite includes dashboards in many of the applications; these dashboards offer automatically-generated data visualizations in one centralized area. Graphs, charts, sums, and averages are listed and organized for users. Information such as number of submissions, rubrics, incomplete evaluations and other details can be found. Dashboards in the clinical suite applications are broken up into different interfaces such as Overview, Students, Preceptors, and Clinical Site. Highlights include:
Types of Information
All types of information are displayed in the dashboard display, including the number of evaluations or case logs, the number of case logs involving certain diagnoses or patient demographics, the distribution of question types on evaluations, and much more.
Display Types
The interface includes different options for displaying information as well, from simple numbers to detailed graphs
Determine the Scope
See aggregate data from across all clinical sites, students, preceptors, etc., or drilldown to see a narrow set of data (e.g., data for a single student).
clinical dashboards illustration